Ian D. Tran is driven by a desire to “take relevant and significant action to do good.” Tran has contributed and delivered observations, innovations, and solutions at international, regional, and local conferences, symposia, and summits on diverse topics with the emphasis for bridging theory with application in communication, education, community outreach, and sustainability.
He credits UM-Dearborn with affording opportunities to further explore this ethos of community engagement as an orientation leader, tutor, writing consultant, student naturalist, student organization leader, and musical performer. Tran is visibly engaged as a proponent of comprehensive and considerate sustainability in all capacities—student, volunteer, employee.
He has coordinated and led the campus Student Environmental Association in delivering an internationally recognized Campus Sustainability Festival in conjunction with staff and faculty, was a contributor for the Paragon/NextEnergy Epprentice alternative energy economic and education working group, the Engineering Society of Detroit’s Green School Symposium education working group, and UM-Dearborn’s first Urban Farming Summit education work group.
“Wherever I go, I am part of a community—social, economic, environmental. Recognizing this motivates me to make the world a better place not only for my own sake, but for the sake of those who will be affected by the legacy of our actions as a society.”