What makes you a Difference Maker?
I strive to impact the lives of those around me. I truly believe that everyone can make a difference, and that everyone can be great, but the only problem is not everyone believes that about themselves. I believe what makes me a Difference Maker is the effort I put into making a difference not only in my community, but also in individuals—I always work my hardest to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I may not be able to change everyone in the world, but even if I could change the world for just a few people, I will rest easy, and this is what I believe makes me a Difference Maker.
Highlight your campus achievements:
I’ve been recognized as a Dean’s List recipient at the UM-Dearborn multiple times. The Natural Sciences Department rewarded me with an award for my achievements in my field of research as well as an opportunity to mentor students in Cellular and Molecular biology as a paid Student Mentor. I’ve done on-campus research in the field of Cellular and Molecular Physiology for about two and a half years and I’m a co-first author on a paper published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. I’m also vice president of Autism Speaks U and have recently been elected as the technical director of Mentors for a Brighter Day.
Highlight your leadership experiences both on and off campus:
On campus, I’ve had many leadership opportunities. I currently lead a research team, which involves ensuring deadlines are met, helping others who need assistance and making sure all things are in order. As vice president of Autism Speaks U, the president and I work side by side to plan and coordinate events. However, there are times in which the president is not able to attend the events we have planned and a majority of the leadership roles and responsibilities that the president and I possess are conducted solely by me. Off campus, I coach boxing—most of my students are between the ages of eight and eighteen years. As a leader in this position, I’m able to be a good role model for the kids and provide them with knowledge and discipline that they may need as an adult.
What is your dream career and/or long term life goal?
My goal in life is to help children. To do this, I plan on obtaining my M.D. and practicing medicine, specifically pediatrics. I believe that with the knowledge gained through medicine, as well as the networks that I’ll build, will allow me to make my goal a reality. There are children born every day that don’t get a fair start in life, and I would like to do my part to assure that these cases rarely happen. I also plan to open a recreational center for children who need a place to go after school and want to stay away from bad influences. Hopefully, using my knowledge, skills and social network, I’ll be able to make a positive impact on the lives of many children.
What was your most defining moment at UM-Dearborn?
My most defining moment at the UM-Dearborn would have to be in one of my first semesters here. I was taking multiple hard science classes, a soft science and a Spanish class. Shortly after the add/drop date, my car broke down. I was down on my luck, and had to make a decision—either drop some of the classes, or figure a way out. Since I’m not one to quit, I had to figure something out. Thankfully, I have a fantastic mother, father and stepmother who stepped up to the plate. I’d leave with my father when he went to work at 7:30 a.m., and get picked up when he was finished with his day, usually around 9 p.m. Doing this for two months may not seem like much, but when done in tandem with multiple science classes, I was really proud of myself to see that I could manage 12-13 hour days, everyday, for two and a half months. I think this was a defining moment for me because it showed me that when you really want something, no matter how tired, hungry and mentally drained you are, where there is a will, there is a way. I ended the semester with a 3.8.